John Davidson

PHP MVC pass data in response object to body(view)?


I am using php + blade and wrote simple mvc and now I am wondering how to pass data to view.
My response object contains header, status code and body(view). Is it ok to pass data to response body section next to view?


or response object should have statuscode, header, body(view), and data separately from body(view)?

now in controller i have:

return Response::create()
->setHeader(['Content-Type' => 'text/html'])

my response class:

class response implements ResponseInterface
protected $statusCode;
protected $headers;
protected $body=[];

public function setStatusCode(string $code) :object
$this->statusCode = $code;
return $this;

public function setHeader(array $header):object
return $this;

public function setBody(array $body): object
$this->body = $body;
return $this;

public function getStatusCode():string
return $this->statusCode;
public function getHeaders():array
return $this->headers;
public function getBody():array
return $this->body;
public static function create(string $statusCode = null, array $headers = null, string $body = null): response
return new Response($statusCode, $headers, $body);
public function send(): void
foreach ($this->headers as $header => $value) {
header(strtoupper($header).': '.$value);

if ($this->headers['Content-Type']==="text/html" && $this->statusCode === "200") {


i am able to pass data like this, by adding fx datatable variable in controllers and it works:

 return Response::create()
->setHeader(['Content-Type' => 'text/html'])

and then need to adjust response send action to:

public function send(): void
foreach ($this->headers as $header => $value) {
header(strtoupper($header).': '.$value);

if ($this->headers['Content-Type']==="text/html" && $this->statusCode === "200") {


My Answer:
Yes, it is common practice to pass data to the view by including it in the response body section. In PHP MVC, you can pass data to the view by setting variables in the controller and then accessing those variables in the view file.

For example, in your controller, you can set a variable like this:

$data = [
'name' => 'John Doe',
'age' => 30

$response->setBody('view.php', $data);

And in your view file (view.php), you can access the data like this:



You are years old

This way, you can pass data from the controller to the view and display it in the response body section.

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