John Davidson

php - Mysql query to select quiz options as A B C D with using extra foreach loop


I am working on quiz concept so first all 20 question will be fetched, then each question will be loop and with every loop I am passing question id and getting options of those related question, but my requirement is to get option like A B C D infront of all options without using extra loop

Table structure for options:

id    option_value       question_id

1 some value 1
2 some value 1
3 some value 1
4 some value 1
5 some value 2
6 some value 2
7 some value 2
8 some value 2

Expected output:

option_id   option_name option_value
1 A some value
2 B some value
3 C some value
4 D some value
5 A some value
6 B some value
7 C some value
8 D some value

$question_list // all 20 question using select *

foreach($question_list as $list){

My Answer:
db->query("SELECT * FROM options WHERE question_id = ".$list['id']);
$options = $this->db->result();
$option_names = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
foreach($options as $key => $option){
echo "";
echo "".$option['id']."";
echo "".$option_names[$key]."";
echo "".$option['option_value']."";
echo "";

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