John Davidson

php - passing a string variable in a javascript function


I am creating a menu list with php. I want the user to change name and the discount variable in the list. So here is an image of the list:list with items, so for each list item and subitems, there's a button which must open a popup and pass the variables belonging to that listitem, like names and discount variable into the form input field, so the user can adjust it from the old value. I use javascript to open and close the form, and want it also to put the php variables (obtained from a database) into that form. So here is my piece of code:


function updatepopup(**$name**, $discount){
document.getElementById("updatedata").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("fnaam").value = **$name**";
document.getElementById("fkort").value = $discount;

function closeform(){
document.getElementById("updatedata").style.display = "none";


<ol class='tree'> "; 
if ($currLevel == $prevLevel) echo " ";
echo '
<label for="subfolder2">'.$category['name'].'</label>
<label> '.$category['discount'].'%</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="subfolder2">

<form id="updatedata" method="POST">
<label for="fnaam">Naam: </label>
<input type="text" id="fnaam" name="fnaam" value="'.$category['name'].'">

<label for="fkort">Korting</label>
<input type="number" id="fkort" name="fkort" value="'.$category['discount'].'">

<button id="closebutton" onclick="closeform()">X</button>
<button type= "submit"> </button>

<button onclick="updatepopup()"><i class="fa-solid fa-pen-to-square"></i></button>
if ($currLevel > $prevLevel) { $prevLevel = $currLevel; }
createTreeView ($array, $categoryId, $currLevel, $prevLevel);

if ($currLevel == $prevLevel) echo "<li><button>+</button></li></li>

So I have read many solutions to pass a string to a javascript function but not a single one would help. I only get something like that done with numbers, but I also want to sent a string into that input field.
So this is what I want to get: what I want

My Answer:
function openForm(name, discount) {
document.getElementById("popupForm").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("nameInput").value = name;
document.getElementById("discountInput").value = discount;

function closeForm() {
document.getElementById("popupForm").style.display = "none";

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