John Davidson

PHP prevent float round


I have a scenario here where I need to perform a few calculations and I need the exact float number not the rounded float number. For e.g this is the float I want 51.8385922330097, which rounds of to 51.83859223301. So any idea how to prevent this auto round of in PHP?

My Answer:
In PHP, you can prevent automatic rounding of float numbers by using the `number_format()` function with the appropriate precision parameter. Here's an example:

$number = 51.8385922330097;
$precision = 15; // Set the precision to the maximum number of decimal places you want to keep

$formatted_number = number_format($number, $precision, '.', '');

echo $formatted_number; // Output: 51.8385922330097

By setting the precision parameter to a high enough value, you can ensure that the float number is not automatically rounded.

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