John Davidson

php - Referencing an associative array added as value inside another associative array


I have the following structure:

$positions = array();
$salaries = array();

$registers = ['Position' => $positions, 'Salary' => $salaries];

Since I created the positions and salaries associative arrays at the beginning using the array() syntax I assumed that later in the code I can just write:

$salaries += [$name => $salary];

But found out that at the end when tried to get some data using the registers array:
$registers['Position'] or $registers['Salary'] after I've done some filtering everything was empty and I had to reference it via registers to actually put data in:

$registers['Salary'] += [$name => $salary];

or create the registers array later in the code near the end of the script when the other arrays - positions and salaries were already full with the needed data.

My question is - since I put positions and salaries as values inside registers array does that mean I lose the ability to reference them as separate / independent arrays. I created them as described with that purpose in mind and registers array is for filtering purposes and I made it at the beginning so I have all that code at the very top of the script.

Will be very grateful for any info on the matter.

My Answer:
> $positions,
'Salary' => $salaries

In this structure, `$positions` and `$salaries` are associative arrays that are added as values inside the `$registers` associative array.

To reference the values inside the `$positions` and `$salaries` arrays, you can use the following syntax:

// Accessing values inside $positions array

// Accessing values inside $salaries array

Replace `'key'` with the specific key you want to access in each array.

For example, if you want to access the salary for a specific position, you can do:

$position = 'Manager';
$salary = $salaries[$positions[$position]];

This code snippet first retrieves the position key from the `$positions` array using the position name as the key. Then, it uses that position key to retrieve the corresponding salary from the `$salaries` array.

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