John Davidson

PHP Regex ignore commented lines


I have a REGEX from github which seems to work fine, however it won't handle commented lines.

$regex = '/(?:@import)(?:\\s)?(?:(?:(?:\\()(["\'])?(?:[^"\')]+)\\1(?:\\))|(["\'])(?:.+)\\2)(?:[A-Z\\s])*)+(?:;)/';

This REGEX will be tested on content like this:

$content =
'// Layout & components // this should fail

@import "variables", "mixins"; // this should validate
// @import "tools", "functions"; // this should fail

// @import "media/vendor/bootstrap/scss/root"; // this should fail
@import "media/vendor/bootstrap/scss/reboot"; // this should validate
@import "../../../media/vendor/bootstrap/scss/tools"; // this should validate

@import url("some.css"); // this should fail
// @import url("some.css"); // this should fail
//@import url("some.css"); // this should fail
// @import some; // this should fail
//@import some; // this should fail
//@import"some"; // this should fail
//@importsome; // this should fail

In the above example, the first line will be ignored because it doesn't have '@import' but the second line still passes (will not be ignored) because it's not a handled case.

I've setup a regex101 which doesn't work live, however it does work on my local environment.

What I need:

  • I'm thinking I should add something like (^\\n?!:(\/\/)) at the beginning but I don't know if that's going to work or it won't do something else.

  • This REGEX would work with cases like @import url("bar.css"); I would like to remove this case, make it only work with `@import "bar.scss".

  • Some suggest I should strip comments before applying this REGEX, I tested this preg_replace("/^\\/{2}.*|\\/\\*.*\\*\\/$/", '', $content) from here but it breaks my code, so I would like to know what you think it's best.

Appreciate any reply. Thank you.

My Answer:

To ignore commented lines, you can add a negative lookahead assertion to exclude lines that start with "//" or "/*":

$regex = '/(?:@import)(?:\\s)?(?:(?:(?:\\()([^;]+);)(?![^\S\r\n]*\/\/|\/\*))/';

This will match lines that contain "@import" followed by a semicolon, while ignoring lines that start with "//" or "/*".

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