John Davidson

php - route defined with negative lookaround matches the route despite the negative assertion


We want to open a DELETE endpoint that allows calls to all positive integers, but not id 1 (aka element 1 cannot be deleted)

Usually to open an endpoint that allows positive integers I configure the route like this

path: /elements/{id}
methods: ["DELETE"]
controller: app.elements_delete
id: '\d+'

For this case I tried to change the regex to one that does not allow number 1 either

path: /elements/{id}
methods: ["DELETE"]
controller: app.elements_delete
id: /^(?!(?:1)$)\d+/

But when I modify the requirement and I call the endpoint the response is that the endpoint does not exist.

"No route found for "DELETE /elements/59": Method Not Allowed (Allow: GET, PUT)"

What is wrong with that regex? What would be the right way to forbid certain values?

My Answer:
DELETE]_ requirements:_ id: \d+This route configuration allows calls to any positive integer for the {id} parameter. However, to exclude id 1 from being deleted, we can use negative lookaround in the regular expression pattern. Here's how the updated route configuration would look like:_delete_elements:_ path: /elements/{id}_ methods: [DELETE]_ requirements:_ id: (?

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