John Davidson

PHP - Save in session an array of objects with private attributes, and then collect them


I have an array of Month class objects. Which I keep in session so I don't have to constantly retrieve the information.

The Month class looks like this:


class Month{

private static $mes;
private static $year;

static function void(){
return new self(null, null);

function __construct($mes, $year){
$this->mes = $mes;
$this->year = $year;

public function getMes(){
return $this->mes;

public function getYear(){
return $this->year;


public function setMes($mes){
$this->mes = $mes;

public function setYear($year){
$this->year = $year;

public function toString(){
switch ($this->mes) {
case 1:
return "Enero - ".$this->year;
case 2:
return "Febrero - ".$this->year;
case 3:
return "Marzo - ".$this->year;
case 4:
return "Abril - ".$this->year;
case 5:
return "Mayo - ".$this->year;
case 6:
return "Junio - ".$this->year;
case 7:
return "Julio - ".$this->year;
case 8:
return "Agosto - ".$this->year;
case 9:
return "Septiembre - ".$this->year;
case 10:
return "Octubre - ".$this->year;
case 11:
return "Noviembre - ".$this->year;
case 12:
return "Diciembre - ".$this->year;

Then in the file that shows the information, I have the following code:

require_once '../Model/ClassEmpleado.php';
require_once '../Model/ClassMonth.php';
include '../Control/CListado-Leads.php';

if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE) {

$_SESSION['meses'] = getMonths();
$meses = $_SESSION['meses'];
$meses = $_SESSION['meses'];

And finally, below, I show a select with an option for each object in the array.

    <div class="mt-5 container-fluid">
<form action='#' method='POST'>
Mes: <select id='filtromes' name='filtromes' class="filtro-mes">
<option class='opciones-filtro-mes' value='0'>Histórico Completo</option>

for($i = 0; $i < count($meses); $i++){
$mes = $meses[$i];
echo "<option class='opciones-filtro-mes' value='" . $mes->getMes() . "-" . $mes->getYear() . "'>".$meses[$i]->toString() . "</option>";

All this works fine, the first time I access the file, I collect the information and store it in session.

The problem comes later, when reloading the page, or accessing it again from a different page, the array in session seems to have changed and no longer works.

If I var_dump the session variables, I get this output:

The first time:

array(15) { [0]=> object(Month)#4 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "4" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [1]=> object(Month)#5 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "5" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [2]=> object(Month)#6 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "6" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [3]=> object(Month)#7 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "7" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [4]=> object(Month)#8 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "8" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [5]=> object(Month)#9 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "9" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [6]=> object(Month)#10 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(2) "10" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [7]=> object(Month)#11 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(2) "11" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [8]=> object(Month)#12 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(2) "12" ["year"]=> string(4) "2021" } [9]=> object(Month)#13 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "1" ["year"]=> string(4) "2022" } [10]=> object(Month)#14 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "2" ["year"]=> string(4) "2022" } [11]=> object(Month)#15 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "3" ["year"]=> string(4) "2022" } [12]=> object(Month)#16 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "4" ["year"]=> string(4) "2022" } [13]=> object(Month)#17 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "5" ["year"]=> string(4) "2022" } [14]=> object(Month)#18 (2) { ["mes"]=> string(1) "6" ["year"]=> string(4) "2022" } }

When reloading or accessing from another page:

array(15) { [0]=> object(Month)#2 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "4" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [1]=> object(Month)#3 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "5" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [2]=> object(Month)#4 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "6" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [3]=> object(Month)#5 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "7" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [4]=> object(Month)#6 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "8" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [5]=> object(Month)#7 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "9" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [6]=> object(Month)#8 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(2) "10" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [7]=> object(Month)#9 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(2) "11" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [8]=> object(Month)#10 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(2) "12" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2021" } [9]=> object(Month)#11 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "1" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2022" } [10]=> object(Month)#12 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "2" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2022" } [11]=> object(Month)#13 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "3" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2022" } [12]=> object(Month)#14 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "4" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2022" } [13]=> object(Month)#15 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "5" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2022" } [14]=> object(Month)#16 (2) { ["mes":"Month":private]=> string(1) "6" ["year":"Month":private]=> string(4) "2022" } }

As you can see the variable in session has changed. It looks like the variable has been serialized, or something like that.

If I put the attributes of the class as public, it works perfectly. But for security I would like them to be private.

My Answer:

class Month {
private $name;
private $days;

public function __construct($name, $days) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->days = $days;

public function getName() {
return $this->name;

public function getDays() {
return $this->days;

// Create an array of Month objects
$months = [
new Month('January', 31),
new Month('February', 28),
new Month('March', 31),
new Month('April', 30),
new Month('May', 31),
new Month('June', 30),
new Month('July', 31),
new Month('August', 31),
new Month('September', 30),
new Month('October', 31),
new Month('November', 30),
new Month('December', 31)

// Save the array of Month objects in session
$_SESSION['months'] = $months;

// Retrieve the array of Month objects from session
$monthsFromSession = $_SESSION['months'];

// Output the names and days of each Month object
foreach ($monthsFromSession as $month) {
echo $month->getName() . ' has ' . $month->getDays() . ' days.


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