John Davidson

php - searching for a substring of a word that starts with and ends with


I have an array with the names of the controllers of my php app and i need to get the first word out of the name for example i have:


I'm trying to retrieve the first substring that starts with an uppercase letter and ends with a lowercase letter , before the next uppercase letter

so if i have "TenantController" i want to retrieve "Tenant" as a prefix

I tried to search for regular expression but it doesnt seem to be of help for what i want to do

Thank you

My Answer:
$controllers = ['TenantController', 'TenantMetasController', 'DealerTenant'];

foreach ($controllers as $controller) {
preg_match('/[A-Z][a-z]+/', $controller, $matches);
echo $matches[0] . "\n";

This code snippet uses a regular expression to match the first substring that starts with an uppercase letter and ends with a lowercase letter in each controller name. The preg_match function is used to perform the matching, and the result is stored in the $matches array. Finally, the matched substring is printed out for each controller.

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