John Davidson

php - Serialization by group fails for Embeddables


I am trying to use groups to make only parts of MyEntity be serialized when I call:

$myEntities = $repository->findAll();

return $this->json([
'myEntities' => $myEntities
], 200, [], ['groups' => 'main']);

in one of my controllers' routes (to avoid circular reference-error). But I am having trouble making it work with embeddables.

To get a simplified look on the situation, see:

* @ORM\Entity
class MyEntity

* @ORM\Embedded(class="App\Entity\Util\MyTestEmbeddable")
* @Groups("main")
protected MyTestEmbeddable $test;


* @ORM\Embeddable
class MyTestEmbeddable
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=false)
private string $text;

* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=false)
private string $text2;


But the results only contain empty arrays for the MyEntity::$test property.

I would have expected for MyTestEmbeddable::$textandMyTestEmbeddable::$text2` to be serialized as well.

What do I need to do to make it work as I expected?

My Answer:
>findBy([], [], 10, 0, ['groups' => ['my_group']]);

However, when I do this, the serialization of the Embeddables within MyEntity does not work as expected. Only the properties of MyEntity itself are serialized, but the properties of the Embeddables are not included in the output.

To fix this issue, you need to make sure that the groups are properly defined in the Embeddables as well. You can do this by adding the `@Groups` annotation to the properties of the Embeddables that you want to include in the serialization output.

For example, if you have an Embeddable class called `MyEmbeddable`, you can define groups for its properties like this:

use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;

class MyEmbeddable
* @Groups({"my_group"})
private $property1;

* @Groups({"my_group"})
private $property2;

// Other properties and methods

By adding the `@Groups` annotation to the properties of the Embeddables, you are telling the serializer to include these properties in the serialization output when the `my_group` group is specified.

After making these changes, when you call `$repository->findBy([], [], 10, 0, ['groups' => ['my_group']]);`, the properties of the Embeddables should also be serialized along with the properties of MyEntity.

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