John Davidson

php - Set WooCommerce user billing and shipping country programmatically


I use WooCommerce and I build some custom functions.
The last thing what I want is set the country for billing and shipping programmatically.

I removed the input billing_country and shipping_country from the checkout page.

Is there a way to set the billing_country and shipping_country programmatically?

I tried WC()->customer->set_shipping_country('US'); this set only the country for the cart and checkout page but does not send the country by submit.

My Answer:
>customer->set_billing_country( 'US' );
WC()->customer->set_shipping_country( 'US' );

This code snippet should set the billing and shipping country to 'US' programmatically. You can replace 'US' with the desired country code. Make sure to place this code in a suitable hook or function in your theme's functions.php file or a custom plugin.

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