John Davidson

php - several parameters in the URL


I'm trying, in a MVC-like arvchitecture (every page has an url"index.php?action=nameofthepage"), to display a personnal page corresponding to every item already displayed in previous page through a while loop(1):

view page 1:

 while ($data=$eleves->fetch()) {?>  
<div class="enseignant">
<a href="index.php?action=portraitDanciensIndividuel&amp;id=<?=$data['id']?>"> // this doesn't work
<img src="<?php echo $data['photo']?>" alt="" class="photoEnseignant">
<h2 style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><?= $data['prenom'] .' '. $data['nom']?></h2>
<?php } ?>

view page 2:

$data=$stmt->fetch() ?>
<img src="<?= $data['photo']?>" alt=""class="AfficherEleveIndividuelPhoto">
<h3 ><?=$data['prenom'] .' '. $data['nom']?></h3>
<p class="seCultiverTxt">

model page 2:

//PDO etc.
$stmt = $bdd->prepare('SELECT * FROM eleves WHERE id=?');

controller page 2

function portraitIndividuel() {
require ('dbConnect.php');
require ('models/PortraitsDanciensIndividual.php');
require ('portraitDancienIndividuelV.php');

router page 2

if ($_GET['action'] == 'portraitDanciensIndividuel') {

here's my question: i'm wondering how to go on another page using the action parameter and also including the id parameter ?

I'm quite new in php!

I already tried many different things
Any clue is welcome

My Answer:
), to pass several parameters in the URL. For example, if I have a page that displays a user's profile, I want to pass the user's ID and username in the URL like this:


To access these parameters in PHP, you can use the $_GET superglobal array like this:

$id = $_GET['id'];
$username = $_GET['username'];

You can then use these parameters to fetch the user's information from a database or perform any other necessary actions. Just make sure to properly sanitize and validate the input to prevent any security vulnerabilities.

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