John Davidson

php - Spatie Permission Role


I currently have a spatie package installed on my CRM and really don't know how it works.
I have Superadmin level/ Company level / Employee Level / Client Level

I would need to create a section on the sidebar of superadmin where I could asign different permisions such as create projects and leads and having the option on employees to create projects and leads.

Basically, Company already has permission for that, but employees don't.
My issue is I need employees to access the create button of both projects and leads.

And if anyone could help me in adding a section to superadmin for a section on the sidebar menu to be able to assign different role types and specified permissions it would be very helpful.

Thank you!!

My Answer:
To achieve this with the Spatie Permission package, you will need to define roles and permissions for your users. Here's a general outline of how you can set this up:

1. Define Roles:
- Superadmin: has all permissions
- Company: has permissions to create projects and leads
- Employee: does not have permissions to create projects and leads
- Client: permissions based on your requirements

2. Define Permissions:
- Create projects
- Create leads

3. Assign Permissions to Roles:
- Assign the "Create projects" and "Create leads" permissions to the Company role.

4. Assign Roles to Users:
- Assign the appropriate roles to your users. Superadmin will have the Superadmin role, Company users will have the Company role, and so on.

5. Implement Sidebar Menu:
- Create a section in the sidebar menu for the Superadmin to assign roles and permissions.
- This section should allow the Superadmin to select a user and assign roles and permissions to them.

6. Implement Access Control:
- In your application logic, check the user's role and permissions before allowing them to access the create buttons for projects and leads.
- Employees should have access to the create buttons for projects and leads based on their role.

By following these steps, you should be able to set up role-based access control using the Spatie Permission package in your CRM. If you need more specific guidance or code examples, feel free to ask for further assistance.

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