John Davidson

php - Specifying GET parameters with file urls


I am trying to recreate something like this

where you have get parameters in the url and process the image file accordingly

I can't seem to work out how I can add php scripts to operate with such file urls

My Answer:
You can use PHP to process the image file with GET parameters in the URL by accessing the parameters using the `$_GET` superglobal array. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

// Get the image file URL with GET parameters
$imageUrl = '';

// Parse the URL to get the parameters
$urlParts = parse_url($imageUrl);
parse_str($urlParts['query'], $queryParams);

// Get the width parameter value
$width = isset($queryParams['w']) ? $queryParams['w'] : null;

// Process the image file based on the width parameter
if ($width) {
// Load the image file
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($imageUrl);

// Resize the image to the specified width
$newImage = imagescale($image, $width);

// Output the image to the browser
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

// Free up memory
} else {
// Output the original image if no width parameter is specified
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

In this example, we first extract the GET parameters from the image URL using `parse_url` and `parse_str` functions. We then check if a `w` parameter is present in the URL and use it to resize the image accordingly. Finally, we output the processed image or the original image based on the presence of the `w` parameter.

You can save this code in a PHP file and access it through a web browser to process the image file with GET parameters in the URL.

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