John Davidson

php - Symfony : project creation


When i try to create a new symfony project using this line of command :
symfony new project-name it works fine for me, but unlike this command line :
symfony new project-name --full it doesn't install all the packages, and when i try to create the project using the second command line, i get some errors, also i can't create a database with this command line:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create

My Answer:
To create a new Symfony project with all the necessary packages installed, you can use the following command:

symfony new project-name --full

This command will install all the required packages for a full Symfony project.

To create a database for your Symfony project, you can use the following command:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

This command will create a new database for your Symfony project using Doctrine. Make sure you have configured your database connection settings in your Symfony project before running this command.

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