John Davidson

php - Symfony rabbitmq messenger with remote ssh not returning response


I have made small integration with rabbitmq, and im getting problems when i need to return value from my messengerHandler.

From the start:

  1. I have in my API endpoint, where i pass: username,ip,password and command which later i pass them via bus->dispatch:

namespace App\Controller\ApiFunctions;

use App\Message\SshShellQueue;
use phpseclib3\Net\SSH2;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\HandledStamp;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

class RabbitSshQueuingCalls extends AbstractController
* @Route("/api/RabbitSsh",name="apiRabbitSsh")
* @param MessageBusInterface $bus
function sendCommand(Request $request, MessageBusInterface $bus)
$ip = $request->get('ip');
$username = $request->get('username');
$password = $request->get('password');
$command = $request->get('command');
$strCommand = strval($command);
$returnValue = $bus->dispatch(new SshShellQueue($strCommand,$password,$username,$ip));
$handledStamp = $returnValue->last(HandledStamp::class);

return $this->json([
'msg' => 'command has been queued',
'status'=>$handledStamp //<-here i want to pass result of command that i passed

and the dispatch is pushing data here, to the messageHandler and are processed via rabbitmq:

namespace App\Message\MessageHandler;
use App\Message\SshShellQueue;

use phpseclib3\Net\SSH2;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;

class SshShellQueueHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
public function __invoke(SshShellQueue $queue){
$ip = $queue->getIp();
$ssh = new SSH2($ip);
if (!$ssh->login($queue->getUsername(), $queue->getPassword())) {
dump('Login Failed');
$variable = ($ssh->exec($queue->getContent()));

and after ill pass correct credentials to my server the command that i pass is working, lets say i pass command: pwd

and i can see result in terminal when my messenger:consume is working
but i want to lets say pass it back to the my endpoint and i want to return it via return $this->json

My Answer:
// API endpoint
public function executeCommand(Request $request, MessageBusInterface $messageBus)
$username = $request->get('username');
$ip = $request->get('ip');
$password = $request->get('password');
$command = $request->get('command');

$message = new CommandMessage($username, $ip, $password, $command);


return new JsonResponse(['message' => 'Command dispatched']);

// CommandMessageHandler
class CommandMessageHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
public function __invoke(CommandMessage $message)
$ssh = new SshClient($message->getIp(), $message->getUsername(), $message->getPassword());
$response = $ssh->executeCommand($message->getCommand());

// How to return this response back to the API endpoint?

In order to return the response back to the API endpoint, you can use the `Messenger` component's `MessageBusInterface` to send a response message back to the API endpoint. Here's how you can modify your code to achieve this:

// CommandMessageHandler
class CommandMessageHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
private $messageBus;

public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $messageBus)
$this->messageBus = $messageBus;

public function __invoke(CommandMessage $message)
$ssh = new SshClient($message->getIp(), $message->getUsername(), $message->getPassword());
$response = $ssh->executeCommand($message->getCommand());

$this->messageBus->dispatch(new ResponseMessage($response));

// ResponseMessageHandler
class ResponseMessageHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
public function __invoke(ResponseMessage $message)
// Return the response back to the API endpoint
return new JsonResponse(['response' => $message->getResponse()]);

Make sure to define the `ResponseMessage` class and update your `services.yaml` file to configure the message handlers. This way, the response from the SSH command execution will be sent back to the API endpoint.

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