John Davidson

php - Unable to set cookies in local machine


i want to set cookies to the webpage, the webpage with extension .php has this content

<img src= "image3.jpg" height="300" width="300"/>

i created a apache2 server in my ubantu virtual machine, and placed the above file with name test.php in the /var/www/html folder and tried to access the website, the website got opened but the cookie was not set :( i don't the reason why cookie has not set. i tried some answers from stackoverflow but still not able to set cookie anyone help me in this
Here is what i tried

  1. added the '/' for path

    but still not able to setcookie

  2. uninstalled and reinstalled the apache2 server but still same issue.

  3. also tried by removing time() in that line

My Answer:
setcookie("user", "John Doe", time() + 3600, "/");

} else {
echo "Cookie not set!";

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