John Davidson

PHP Unit / Mockery - Mock static function not working


Hey so I have the below method and when trying to mock the Manager::getConfiguration call, I cannot get it to work. I have tried using a namedMock as well as the unit test decorators to have it run in another thread. It either gives me a class already exists error or actually pulls the manager configuration which I do not want.

public function getBaseTypeManagerConfig() {
$baseTypeManagerConfig = array();

if (!empty($this->dataConfig)
&& !empty($baseType = $this->dataConfig->getBaseType())) {
$baseTypeManagerConfig = Manager::getConfiguration($baseType);

return $baseTypeManagerConfig;

* @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
* @preserveGlobalState disabled
public function testBaseTypeManagerConfig() {
$managerMock = Mockery::namedMock('Manager', 'ManagerStub');

$listModule = Mockery::mock('GenericListModule')->makePartial();
'getBaseType' => 'events',

$config = \SWL\Lib\Generic\ConfigFactory::getConfig('Events_Event');
$listModule->shouldReceive('setDataConfig')->andSet('dataConfig', $config);

$baseTypeManagerConfig = $listModule->getBaseTypeManagerConfig();
$this->assertEquals(array(), $baseTypeManagerConfig);

// Attempt at using named mock to replace 'Manager' class with mock
class ManagerStub {
public static function getConfiguration($configType) {
return array();

Any thoughts on why I can't use this named mock to replace the Manager call? New to unit testing and phpunit/mockery so any other pointers welcome. Thank you! :)

My Answer:
>manager)) {
$managerConfig = Manager::getConfiguration();
$baseTypeManagerConfig = $managerConfig['base_types'];

return $baseTypeManagerConfig;

To mock the static method `Manager::getConfiguration()` in your unit test, you can use Mockery to create a mock object for the `Manager` class and then mock the `getConfiguration()` method on that mock object.

Here's an example of how you can do this in your unit test:

use Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\MockeryTestCase;

class YourTestClass extends MockeryTestCase
public function testGetBaseTypeManagerConfig()
$managerMock = Mockery::mock('overload:Manager');
$managerMock->shouldReceive('getConfiguration')->andReturn(['base_types' => ['mocked_base_type']]);

$yourObject = new YourClass();
$result = $yourObject->getBaseTypeManagerConfig();

$this->assertEquals(['mocked_base_type'], $result);

In this example, we create a mock object for the `Manager` class using `Mockery::mock('overload:Manager')`. We then use the `shouldReceive()` method to mock the `getConfiguration()` method on the mock object and specify the return value that we want.

By using this approach, you should be able to mock the static method `Manager::getConfiguration()` in your unit test without actually calling the real method.

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