John Davidson

php - Update table value based on string length or other to set a specific value


I want to update a table value to either 1 of 2 values.
The selected value has 2 possible choices I ride a bike or I fly an airplane.
If the entered value is I ride a bike then the database value should be set as 1 , if it's I fly an airplane then the value should be set at 2.
This way When I display/view the table, either an image of a bike (called 1.png) or a plane (called 2.png) will be displayed , based on what the value of transport is set as.

// get the passed variables from the web form

$pid = $_POST['pid'];

// update data in mysql database
$sql = "UPDATE survey SET pid=?, transport=? WHERE id=?";
$stmt= $con->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param("ssi", $pid, $transport, $id);

The above code currently works but displayed in the table is the text of ride bike or fly airplane
I prefer the simple image
So I was thinking something like using strlen, ride bike has 15 characters,or airplane has 18

$sql = "UPDATE survey SET pid=?,if (strlen(['transport']) == 18){set '2';}else{set '1';} ,WHERE id=?"; 

but it doesn't work and I have no idea because this is just a hobby.

My Answer:
"UPDATE table_name SET transport = CASE WHEN '$transport' = 'I ride a bike' THEN 1 WHEN '$transport' = 'I fly an airplane' THEN 2 END WHERE id = $id AND pid = $pid";

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