John Davidson

php - Updating model data in the meilisearch index when editing this model's links


Input data regarding the database:

  • The product table has 4 million positions;

  • Adjacent tables, which will be relations for the product model, have an average of 1 to 4 million records respectively, which will total 10-15 million records additionally, in addition to those 4 million records in the product table.

Let's take as an example the relationship of a product with categories, which can be many:

public function categories(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class);

Next, in the makeAllSearchableUsing() method, we define with which links we want to store the product model in the meilisearch index

protected function makeAllSearchableUsing($query): Builder
return $query->with(['categories']);

After we load the data into the index of the meilisearch system, with further search, we will be given something like this answer (only the part necessary for the demonstration is left):

id: 12615,
name: "FORD chip...",
slug: "...",
categories: [
id: 41735,
product_id: 12615
name: "Ford...",
id: 41739,
product_id: 12615
name: "Ford Alternate...",

As you can see, the product categories (and, accordingly, all other links that we will store with it) are hardcoded into its data array.

The question is:

When updating the name of a category, I need to write the logic for updating product data myself, and in general any other models that have a relationship with categories and it is written in meilisearch (for example, in events, or in an observer), or this is possible in automatic mode, with some more advanced settings of this package ?

Thanks if anyone can help.

It's not just an inconvenience, but also the fact that if I change the name of a category, for example, I will have to pre-record several million products that have it listed.

My Answer:
To update model data in the MeiliSearch index when editing the model, you can follow these steps:

1. Retrieve the model data that needs to be updated.
2. Make the necessary changes to the model data.
3. Update the model data in the MeiliSearch index.

Here is an example code snippet in PHP that demonstrates how to update model data in the MeiliSearch index:

// Retrieve the model data that needs to be updated
$model = Model::find($id);

// Make the necessary changes to the model data
$model->name = 'Updated Name';
$model->description = 'Updated Description';

// Update the model data in the MeiliSearch index
$client = new MeiliSearch\Client('http://localhost:7700', 'masterKey');
$index = $client->index('models');

'id' => $model->id,
'name' => $model->name,
'description' => $model->description

echo 'Model data updated successfully in MeiliSearch index';

In this code snippet, we first retrieve the model data that needs to be updated using the `find` method. We then make the necessary changes to the model data and update the model data in the MeiliSearch index using the `updateDocuments` method.

Make sure to replace `'http://localhost:7700'` with the URL of your MeiliSearch server and `'masterKey'` with your MeiliSearch master key. Also, replace `'models'` with the name of your MeiliSearch index where the model data is stored.

By following these steps, you can easily update model data in the MeiliSearch index when editing the model in PHP.

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