John Davidson

php - where and orWhere issue for same column data in laravel


My table is look like

id locale language_name
1 bn Bengali
2 en English
3 hi Hindi
4 ar Arabic
5 ja_jp Japanese

My Answer:
In Laravel, the `where` and `orWhere` methods are used to add conditions to a query. If you want to query the same column with different values using `where` and `orWhere`, you can do so by chaining the methods together.

For example, if you want to retrieve records where the `locale_language_name` column is either 'en' or 'ar', you can do the following:

$records = DB::table('your_table_name')
->where('locale_language_name', 'en')
->orWhere('locale_language_name', 'ar')

This will retrieve records where the `locale_language_name` column is either 'en' or 'ar'.

If you want to retrieve records where the `locale_language_name` column is 'en' and 'ar', you can do the following:

$records = DB::table('your_table_name')
->where('locale_language_name', 'en')
->where('locale_language_name', 'ar')

This will retrieve records where the `locale_language_name` column is both 'en' and 'ar', which is not possible. In this case, you should use the `whereIn` method instead:

$records = DB::table('your_table_name')
->whereIn('locale_language_name', ['en', 'ar'])

This will retrieve records where the `locale_language_name` column is either 'en' or 'ar'.

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