John Davidson

php - Where are CSS dependencies located for a certain page/template in Wordpress?


I'm actually trying to modify WooCommerce's products templates pages by including some shortcodes generated with a page builder, but for my surprise certain CSS files are not linked although the short code has been copied exactly as generated by the page builder, which made me think that the CSS dependencies are stored in the database, and not within the short code.

Would it be possible to include these CSS dependencies into a template page?

Thank you very much.

My Answer:
In WordPress, CSS dependencies for a certain page or template are typically located in the theme's stylesheet or in the plugin's stylesheet. If you are trying to modify WooCommerce's product templates pages and certain CSS files are not linked, it is possible that the CSS styles are being enqueued dynamically by WooCommerce or another plugin.

To include these CSS dependencies into a template page, you can manually enqueue the necessary stylesheets in your theme's functions.php file or in the template file where you are adding the shortcodes. You can use the wp_enqueue_style function to add the CSS files to the page.

Here is an example of how you can enqueue a CSS file in your template file:

function enqueue_custom_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'custom-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/custom-style.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_custom_styles' );

Replace 'custom-style' with a unique handle for your stylesheet and 'custom-style.css' with the path to the CSS file you want to enqueue.

By manually enqueuing the necessary CSS files, you can ensure that the styles are applied correctly to the page where you are using the shortcodes generated by the page builder.

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