John Davidson

php - Why does the If condition never executes?


I have written a simple script and a part of that script does not executes

This is the part that isnt woriking:

while (($line = fgetcsv($inFile)) !== FALSE) 

if(($line[0] === "$fin") )
echo ("$asd is 5");
$line = explode (",", "$tempstr10");

fputcsv($outFile, $line );

More specifically the if statement's body isnt being executed.

this block of code is supposed to do this:
it checks if $line[0] === "$fin" ($fin has a value) meaning if value of $fin is found inside of $line[0] then execute this

echo ("$asd is 5");
$line = explode (",", "$tempstr10");


but it seems like even if the value of $fin is similar to the value inside of $line[0] its not executing the body of the if statement

What am i doing wrong here ?


These are the values stored in the csv file :

"1234  "," 1234-12-31  " 
"12345 "," 1234-12-31 "
"123456 "," 1234-12-31 "

This is the result of var_dump :

string(4) "1234" string(4) "1234" string(4) "1234" string(4) "1234" string(4) "1234"

My Answer:
The issue may be with the comparison operator you are using in the if condition. In PHP, the strict comparison operator "===" checks both the value and the data type of the variables being compared. If the data type of $line[0] is not exactly the same as the data type of the value you are comparing it to, the condition will not be true.

You can try using the loose comparison operator "==" instead, which only checks the value of the variables being compared. This may allow the condition to execute as expected.

Here is the updated code snippet:

while (($line = fgetcsv($inFile)) !== FALSE) {
if ($line[0] == 'your_value_here') {
// Your code here

Replace 'your_value_here' with the value you are trying to compare $line[0] to. This should allow the if condition to execute if the values match, regardless of their data types.

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