John Davidson

php - Will anyone help me debug "proto descriptor was previously loaded" from Google Ads API


I'm getting this error when running this code:

$googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient()->search($customerId, $query, $page_size);

ERROR message:
proto descriptor was previously loaded (included in multiple metadata bundles?): google/ads/googleads/v5/enums/policy_topic_evidence_destination_not_working_dns_error_type.proto

$googleAdsClient is an instance of \Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\V5\GoogleAdsClient.

The getGoogleAdsServiceClient method comes from the ServiceClientFactoryTrait trait /Google/Ads/GoogleAds/Lib/V5/ServiceClientFactoryTrait.php

I'm running:

php 7.4.1
grpc module version => 1.34.0
protobuf version => 3.14.0

Additional libs installed via composer:

google/grpc-gcp                       0.1.5      gRPC GCP library for channel management
google/protobuf v3.13.0.1 proto library for PHP
googleads/google-ads-php v5.0.0 Google Ads API client for PHP
grpc/grpc 1.30.0 gRPC library for PHP

I don't know enough about descriptors or the protobuf library to understand this error. It just started happening a couple days ago and I don't think we made any changes that would effect this. Any help/guidance would be much appreciated.

EDIT: forgot to link to SDK

EDIT: updated the following libs:

google/apiclient                     v2.9.1     Client library for Google APIs
google/apiclient-services v0.161.0 Client library for Google APIs
google/auth v1.15.0 Google Auth Library for PHP
google/common-protos 1.3 Google API Common Protos for PHP
google/gax 1.7.0 Google API Core for PHP
google/grpc-gcp 0.1.5 gRPC GCP library for channel management
google/protobuf v3.15.3 proto library for PHP
googleads/google-ads-php v7.0.0 Google Ads API client for PHP
grpc/grpc 1.35.0 gRPC library for PHP
google/protobuf v3.15.3 proto library for PHP

My Answer:
Sure, I can try to help you debug your PHP code. Please provide me with the code that you are having trouble with and a description of the issue you are facing.

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