John Davidson

php - Wordpress Breadcrumb switch without plugin (hide show breadcrumb)


I'm looking for a button solution for breadcrumb.

I have a breadcrumb on the page that is under the header.

I would like to be able to turn it off / on on a given page / post.

I don't want to use an extra plugin.

Page settings = show or hide breadcrumb. I saw this option somewhere but I can't find the code.

Regards and thanks for help.

My Answer:
You can achieve this by adding a simple conditional statement in your theme's template files. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open your theme's header.php file and locate the code that displays the breadcrumb. It might look something like this:


2. Wrap this code in a conditional statement that checks if the breadcrumb should be displayed based on the page settings. For example, if you have a custom field named "hide_breadcrumb" that you can set to true or false on each page, you can modify the code like this:

$hide_breadcrumb = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'hide_breadcrumb', true);

if (!$hide_breadcrumb && function_exists('bcn_display')) :

3. Now, on the pages where you want to hide the breadcrumb, simply add a custom field named "hide_breadcrumb" with the value set to true.

That's it! The breadcrumb will now only be displayed on pages where the "hide_breadcrumb" custom field is not set to true.

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