John Davidson

php - WordPress cPanel html directory not found


So I engage with a website developer but due to lack of support decided to try doing it myself.
They provide with login details to cPanel and dewaweb wordpress manager and what I need is to edit some text of the website homepage.

However i couldn't find the page html file where i should do the editing in public_html. All i can see is the php and image files. the Wordpress manager also only shows media editing and does not have text/html edit function.

What should I do? i wonder if it's something to do with permission or if it's my unfamiliarity with Wordpress.
I'm new to Wordpress, cPanel and web hosting in general. Used hostgator before but it was more straightforward than this.

[cPanel File Manager Public_html does not have .html file][1]
[dewaweb wordpress manager only showing media, no text editing][2]

My Answer:
It sounds like the website you are trying to edit is built using WordPress, which means the content of the homepage is likely stored in the WordPress database rather than in a static HTML file. To edit the text on the homepage, you will need to log in to the WordPress admin dashboard.

Here are the steps you can take to edit the text on the homepage:

1. Log in to the WordPress admin dashboard using the login details provided to you.
2. Once logged in, navigate to the "Pages" section in the dashboard menu.
3. Look for the page that corresponds to the homepage (usually named "Home" or "Front Page").
4. Click on the page to open the editor.
5. You should see the text content of the homepage in the editor. You can make your edits here and save the changes.

If you are unable to find the homepage in the Pages section, it's possible that the homepage is set up using a page builder plugin or a custom theme option. In this case, you may need to reach out to the website developer for guidance on how to edit the homepage content.

It's also worth noting that editing the content of a WordPress website requires some familiarity with the platform. If you are new to WordPress, you may want to consider taking some time to familiarize yourself with the basics of WordPress website management or seek help from a professional developer.

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