John Davidson

php - Wordpress ( Dir , Filesystem directory paths )


I'm a bit lost about paths in Wordpress informant

Here is what I mean
I usually request a file in the same directory like:

include ('filename/index.php');

but most of Wordpress devs includes it like:

include . WP_CONTENT_URL . ('filename/index.php');

Where can I learn about the path cost that Wordpress uses?

I searched WordPress path system
and I didn't find what I needed.

In a nutshell, I need to learn about the cost that Wordpress uses it to define path locations - I just wanna know what to search about
what are the keywords that I should search for to learn about it more?

My Answer:
In WordPress, the WP_CONTENT_URL constant is used to define the URL of the content directory. This constant is typically used to include files or assets from the content directory in your WordPress theme or plugin.

If you are looking to learn more about the file and directory paths in WordPress, you can search for the following keywords:

1. WordPress file paths
2. WordPress directory structure
3. WordPress constants for paths
4. WordPress file system paths
5. WordPress theme file paths

By searching for these keywords, you should be able to find more information and resources on how WordPress defines and uses file and directory paths.

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