John Davidson

php - Xampp Apache Ports issue with miria server


I have Installed Miria server (in vmware with server windows os) which comes with it's own apache server installed.

Now I want to install Xampp, but it shows the ports conflict with the previous Miria apache server. I have changed the server ports from all possible files (httpd, httpd-ssl, xamp->config main port and ssl port as well), but after changing this I dont get any error.

However I only see message apache service is starting in xampp control panel. Please help me here! unable to start apache server in Xampp.

My Answer:
apache, etc.) but still, Xampp is not starting because of the port conflict.

One solution to this issue is to change the port numbers in the Xampp configuration files to different ports that are not being used by the Miria server.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the Xampp control panel and click on the Config button next to the Apache module.

2. In the httpd.conf file, search for the line that says "Listen 80" and change it to a different port number, such as "Listen 8080".

3. Save the file and restart the Apache server in Xampp.

4. If you are still facing port conflicts, repeat the same steps for the httpd-ssl.conf file and change the SSL port number to a different port that is not being used by the Miria server.

5. Save the file and restart the Apache server in Xampp.

By changing the port numbers in the Xampp configuration files, you should be able to resolve the port conflict issue and start the Xampp Apache server successfully.

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