John Davidson

python 3.x - running php file with pycharm and redis server


I am working on a django project which requires to run 2 php files.
One of the file must have access to the redis database that I configured in docker-compose file.
So, how do I run these php files and map redis database. I am using ubuntu os.

code is -


if(!empty($_POST)) {
$message = $_POST['message'];
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->pconnect('redis'); // REDIS_HOST hast to be the same as in BBB_REDIS_HOST
$redis->publish('chat', $message); // REDIS_CHANNEL hast to be the same as in BBB_REDIS_CHANNEL
echo "Message published\n";

the error I am facing is - [500]: POST /sendChatMessage.php - syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/dir/Desktop/BigBlueButton-liveStreaming-master/examples/sendChatMessage.php on line 8

My Answer:
To run PHP files with access to a Redis database in a Django project, you can use the subprocess module in Python to execute the PHP files and interact with the Redis database.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how you can achieve this:

import subprocess

# Run the PHP file that requires access to the Redis database
php_file_path = "/path/to/your/php/file.php"
redis_host = "localhost"
redis_port = "6379"

# Execute the PHP file using subprocess["php", php_file_path, redis_host, redis_port])

In the above code snippet, replace "/path/to/your/php/file.php" with the actual path to your PHP file that requires access to the Redis database. Also, make sure to replace "localhost" and "6379" with the actual host and port of your Redis database.

Additionally, make sure that your Redis server is running and accessible from your Django project. You can configure the connection to the Redis database in your Django settings file using the `django-redis` package or the `redis-py` package.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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