John Davidson

python - API Authentication printify


I trying to make printify API auth in PHP. I have example in python, but I not getting right result. Can you explain me what I doing wrong ?

Code in python

 import os
import hmac

def sha256hash(request):
hash =['SECRET_TOKEN'].encode('utf-8'),'utf-8'),
return 'sha256=' + hash.hexdigest()

def secure_compare(a, b):
return hmac.compare_digest(a, b)

print('%r' % secure_compare(request.headers['x-pfy-signature'],

This is my current php code:

public function onCreated(Request $request) {
$secured_token = $request->header('X-Pfy-Signature');
if(!$this->checkAuth(utf8_encode($request), $secured_token)){
$secured_token = "test";

protected function checkAuth($data, $hashFromPrintify) {
$private_key = utf8_encode(config('printifywebhook.token'));
$hash = hash_hmac( "sha256" , $data , $private_key);
$hash = "sha256=".md5($hash);
if($hash == $hashFromPrintify) {
return true;
return false;

Where I made mistake ?

My Answer:
public function onCreated(Request $request) {
$secured_token = hash_hmac('sha256', $request->getContent(), getenv('SECRET_TOKEN'));
$x_pfy_signature = $request->header('x-pfy-signature');

if (hash_equals($x_pfy_signature, $secured_token)) {
echo "Signatures match";
} else {
echo "Signatures do not match";

In your PHP code, you can use the hash_hmac function to generate the HMAC hash using the 'sha256' algorithm and compare it with the x-pfy-signature header from the request using the hash_equals function. This should give you the correct result for API authentication in PHP.

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