John Davidson

speech recognition - Execute Multiple Statements/Lines simultaneously in PHP


I am sure there are lots of people who have the same queries, I want to execute 2 lines same time. not the 2 scripts same time using PHP coding. for example, I have a file that I have to send to google API for the speech recognition, and at the same time I want to execute another line and I don't want my program to wait for the API to give a response and then execute.

$recording_file = '/opt/sounds/recoginze.wav';
exec("gcloud ml speech recognize $recording_file --language-code='en-US'",$output,$retval);
$transcript = $output['6'];

Normally above statement will take 3 to 4 seconds to respond, I want the other line to execute simultaneously like play recording.

$play_sound = playSound($recording_file);

Let me know your inputs and ideas.

Note: I am no programmer in PHP, I am just a sysadmin, who trying to learn PHP.

My Answer:
"python $recording_file &");_exec("echo 'Executing another line simultaneously'");

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