John Davidson

Update firebase realtime ios database from php


I have a created a firebase realtime database and I can get the values from that database to the ios app.

The problem is that the update of the database must be done when a user makes a reservation through a wordpress site.

My question is: Is it possible to update the Firebase IOS database from a .php file or javascript?

If that is not possible, than is it possible that a ios app can read a data from a web app firebase realtime database ( I have already done this step on android app but with ios seems like impossible)...???

My Answer:
Yes, it is possible to update a Firebase Realtime Database from a PHP file or JavaScript. You can use the Firebase REST API to interact with the database from any server-side language, including PHP.

To update the database from a PHP file, you can make HTTP requests to the Firebase REST API endpoints. You will need to authenticate your requests using a Firebase token.

As for reading data from a Firebase Realtime Database in an iOS app, it is definitely possible. You can use the Firebase iOS SDK to connect to the database and retrieve data. Make sure to set up the necessary Firebase configurations in your iOS app to establish a connection to the database.

Overall, updating and reading data from a Firebase Realtime Database in both PHP and iOS is possible with the right setup and configurations.

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