John Davidson

What is the difference between YAML and JSON?


What are the differences between YAML and JSON, specifically considering the following things?

  • Performance (encode/decode time)

  • Memory consumption

  • Expression clarity

  • Library availability, ease of use (I prefer C)

I was planning to use one of these two in our embedded system to store configure files.

My Answer:
Performance (encode/decode time):
JSON is generally faster to encode and decode compared to YAML. This is because JSON has a simpler syntax and structure, making it easier and quicker to parse.

Memory consumption:
YAML tends to be more memory-intensive compared to JSON. This is because YAML allows for more complex data structures and has a more verbose syntax, leading to larger file sizes and increased memory usage.

Expression clarity:
YAML is often considered more human-readable and easier to understand compared to JSON. YAML uses indentation to represent hierarchy, making it visually clearer and more intuitive for humans to read and write.

Library availability, ease of use (C):
Both YAML and JSON have libraries available for C programming. However, JSON libraries are more commonly used and have better support in the C programming community. JSON libraries are generally easier to use and more widely adopted compared to YAML libraries in the C programming language.

In conclusion, if you prioritize performance and memory consumption, JSON may be a better choice for storing configuration files in an embedded system. However, if you value expression clarity and human-readability, YAML may be a more suitable option. Additionally, considering library availability and ease of use in C programming, JSON libraries may be more convenient for your project.

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