John Davidson

Why does '\n' else known as 'linebreak' returns a weird symbol when trying to write "$value \n" in a .txt file using PHP?


I have a php script, in which I read an $array and fwrite the desired value to a .txt file.

PHP Code:

$array = unserialize(file_get_contents('rawdata.txt'));

$handle = fopen("ean.txt", "a");

foreach ( $array as $key=>$value ) {
if ( $key != 0 ) {
echo $value[21]."<br>";
fwrite($handle, "$value[21]\n");

Note: when I print_r() the $array all values from the .txt file are displayed correctly.
But when I try to fwrite() the array in another .txt file I get this Symbol on the position that I should get the \n.

Symbol: ਠ

Questions: Why is this happening? What should I look for to try and troubleshoot this issue?

Thanks in advance for your time and effort!

My Answer:
it depend on the context in which it is being used?

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