John Davidson

C# ECKey analog on PHP


What will be analog of this code in PHP? I am not able to port this piece of code on PHP.

internal void GenerateKeyPair()
ecKey = new ECKey();

GeneratedPublicKey = new ECPublicKey()
X = ecKey.X,
Y = ecKey.Y,
CurveOId = ecKey.CurveOId

My Answer:
In PHP, you can use the `openssl` extension to generate EC key pairs. Here is an example of how you can generate an EC key pair in PHP:

// Generate EC key pair
$privateKey = openssl_pkey_new(array(
'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC,
'curve_name' => 'secp256k1' // Curve name can be different based on your requirements

// Get the public key from the private key
$details = openssl_pkey_get_details($privateKey);
$publicKey = $details['key'];

// Extract X and Y coordinates from the public key
$publicKeyDetails = openssl_pkey_get_details($publicKey);
$publicKeyX = bin2hex(substr($publicKeyDetails['ec']['x'], 2));
$publicKeyY = bin2hex(substr($publicKeyDetails['ec']['y'], 2));

// Store the generated public key
$generatedPublicKey = array(
'X' => $publicKeyX,
'Y' => $publicKeyY,
'CurveOId' => $publicKeyDetails['ec']['curve_name']

// You can now use $generatedPublicKey as needed

This PHP code generates an EC key pair using the `secp256k1` curve and extracts the X and Y coordinates from the public key to create an array similar to the one in your C# code.

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