John Davidson

Can I use a PHP "index" page with AWS Amplify?


I am experimenting with using AWS. To be specific, I am following the tutorial at this link:

I have tried to add empty PHP tags to the start of the file and renamed the file to index.php instead of the index.HTML of the tutorial. I did a full sequence of refreshing the web app resources and deploying the app on the Amplify console. It did not work. I tried only using the HTML code on index.php and it still did not work. I put back the PHP code, added an echo statement echo "<h1>PHP Code Ran</h1>"; but renamed the file to index.html and it did render. Granted, there was an error in the text output. It also wrote the ending semi-colon and ending quotation, but it worked.

Is there any way for me to use a file named index.php as the home page of a web app using AWS amplify?

My Answer:
Unfortunately, AWS Amplify does not support PHP files for hosting static websites. AWS Amplify is designed to host static websites and does not support server-side scripting languages like PHP. If you need to use PHP for your web application, you may need to consider using a different hosting service that supports PHP, such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk or AWS EC2.

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