John Davidson

class - php constructor is not working properly in program


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Code input

This code doesn't give the expected output

class User{
protected $name;
protected $age;

public function __construct($name, $age){
$this->name = $name;
$this->age = $age;

class Customer extends User{
private $balance;

public function __construct($name, $age, $balance){
$this->balance = $balance;

public function pay($amount){
return $this->name . ' paid $' . $amount;

$customer1 = new Customer('Adithya', 23, 50);
echo $customer1->pay(100);

It only gives this

Can someone please explain the reason?

My Answer:
The issue in the code is that the constructor in the `Customer` class is not calling the parent constructor from the `User` class. When you create an instance of the `Customer` class, it should also initialize the properties `$name` and `$age` from the parent class `User`.

To fix this issue, you need to call the parent constructor in the `Customer` class constructor using the `parent::__construct($name, $age);` statement. Here is the updated code:

class User{
protected $name;
protected $age;

public function __construct($name, $age){
$this->name = $name;
$this->age = $age;

class Customer extends User{
private $balance;

public function __construct($name, $age, $balance){
parent::__construct($name, $age);
$this->balance = $balance;

public function pay($amount){
return $this->name . ' paid $' . $amount;

$customer1 = new Customer('Adithya', 23, 50);
echo $customer1->pay(100);

Now, when you create an instance of the `Customer` class, it will properly initialize the properties from both the `User` and `Customer` classes, and you should get the expected output.

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