John Davidson

How can i access an html variable using PHP


 $name= $row['name'];
$price = $row['price'];
$img = $row['image'];
$id = $row['order_no'];

echo "<div class='col-md-4 d-flex justify-content-center'>
<div class='card cust-card-bg' style='width: 18rem'>
class='card-img-top cust-card-img'

<div class='card-body d-flex flex-column'>
<h5 class='card-title primary-text'>$name</h5>
<p class='card-text'>
Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up
the bulk of the cards content.
class='d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mt-auto'
<h4 class='primary-text m-0'>$price tk</h4>
<a href='order.php?' order_id = $id class='btn btn-danger' >Order Item</a>

Here I am trying to to get the value of order_id. I tried using $_GET['order_id] but it says undefined array key

My Answer:
To access the HTML variable `order_id` in PHP, you need to make sure that it is passed as a query parameter in the URL. In your code snippet, you are trying to pass the `order_id` as an attribute in the anchor tag, but it is not correctly formatted as a query parameter.

You can modify the anchor tag to include the `order_id` as a query parameter like this:

echo "Order Item";

Then, in your `order.php` file, you can access the `order_id` using `$_GET['order_id']`:

$order_id = $_GET['order_id'];

Make sure to sanitize and validate the input before using it in your PHP code to prevent any security vulnerabilities.

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