I have Php 7.3 installed and I am trying to install the below packages but I am getting an error "No Package available". Can someone please help?
sudo yum install php73-common php73-cli php73-gd php73-gd php73-mysqlnd php73-ldap php73-soap php73-mbstring
No package php73-common available.
No package php73-cli available.
No package php73-gd available.
No package php73-gd available.
No package php73-mysqlnd available.
No package php73-ldap available.
No package php73-soap available.
No package php73-mbstring available.
My Answer:
It looks like the packages you are trying to install are not available in the default repositories for your Linux distribution. You may need to add additional repositories or sources to be able to install these specific PHP packages.
For example, if you are using CentOS, you can try adding the EPEL repository which contains additional packages not included in the default CentOS repositories. You can add the EPEL repository by running the following command:
sudo yum install epel-release
After adding the EPEL repository, you can try installing the PHP packages again:
sudo yum install php73-common php73-cli php73-gd php73-mysqlnd php73-ldap php73-soap php73-mbstring
If you are using a different Linux distribution, you may need to find and add the appropriate repository that contains the PHP packages you are looking for.
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