John Davidson

Is there a way to fix wrong tags restored in variable. php/laravel?


Is there a way to fix wrong tags automatically? I am using laravel PHP.

The data's already exist and i migrated it into to laravel so im having problems now.

Table 'destinations'

id value_name
0 <br>Australia</b>
1 <b>USA<b>
2 <i>UK<i>

My Answer:
Yes, you can fix wrong tags automatically in Laravel by using the `strip_tags` function in PHP. You can create a migration or a script to loop through the data in the 'destinations' table and remove any unwanted tags.

Here's an example of how you can do this in Laravel:

use App\Models\Destination;

$destinations = Destination::all();

foreach ($destinations as $destination) {
$destination->value_name = strip_tags($destination->value_name);

This code will loop through all the destinations in the 'destinations' table, remove any HTML tags using the `strip_tags` function, and then save the updated value back to the database.

Make sure to backup your data before running any scripts to avoid any data loss.

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