John Davidson

javascript - Foreach Condition with Ajax form submit button


I was trying to do for each condition for form but for some reason, it is submitting all foreach data with ajax.

@foreach($response['Types'] as type)
<div class="option option-two">
<div class="upper">
<p style="font-size: 2em;font-weight: bold">${{ number_format($type['price']['subTotal'],2)}}</p>
<p style="font-weight: bold">Per Day Parking</p>
<div class="form">
<form name="{{$type['id']}}" method="post" class="reds">
{{--<input type=hidden name=LotId value="{{ json_encode($response, true) }}">--}}
<input type=hidden name=subtotal value="{{ number_format($type['price']['subTotal'],2) }}">
<input type=hidden name=fees value="{{ number_format($type['price']['taxesAndFeesAmount'],2) }}">
<input type=hidden name=total value="{{ number_format($type['price']['total'],2) }}">

<button id="chkbtn" style="box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);">Add to Cart</button>
$(function () {



type: 'post',
url: '/options1',
data: $('form').serialize(),
success: function (result) {



For some reason the response is

_token: Ve4UHceRA6OVYTdTzGdFvXxHkA14v74oy4Y4pCVz
subtotal: 23.90
fees: 4.99
total: 28.89
_token: Ve4UHceRA6OVYTdTzGdFvXxHkA14v74oy4Y4pCVz
subtotal: 23.90
fees: 4.99
total: 28.89
_token: Ve4UHceRA6OVYTdTzGdFvXxHkA14v74oy4Y4pCVz
subtotal: 27.90
fees: 4.99
total: 32.89

i want to send only one option data to the cart. But, its adding all foreach data to cart

Please help, Thanks

My Answer:
To fix this issue, you need to target the specific form that is being submitted instead of all forms on the page. You can do this by using $(this) to reference the form that triggered the submit event. Here's an updated version of your code:

@foreach($response['Types'] as $type)

${{ number_format($type['price']['subTotal'],2)}}

Per Day Parking



In this updated code, I changed the button id to a class "chkbtn" and used $(this) to reference the form that contains the clicked button. This way, only the data from the specific form that is being submitted will be sent to the cart.

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