i m stuck into one situation, i have a div having some paragraph content. i only want to show 100 words of content in div for example - (sometextjonty) i only want to show 7 alphabets content in div so my div now will show (sometex) text upto here . i only want to do with jquery not with css, any solutions for this. I have no any clue how to do that
echo'<div class="content textlimit"><p>'; the_content(); echo'</p></div>
here above is my content div
My Answer:
You can achieve this by using jQuery to count the number of words in the paragraph and then truncating the content to only show the first 100 words. Here's an example code snippet to achieve this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.textlimit').each(function() {
var content = $(this).find('p').text();
var words = content.split(' ');
if (words.length > 100) {
var truncatedContent = words.slice(0, 100).join(' ');
This code snippet will iterate over each div with the class "textlimit", find the paragraph content inside it, count the number of words, and if it exceeds 100 words, it will truncate the content to only show the first 100 words.
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