I'm fairly convinced this is placeholder code left in an old project. I've never seen it before, can find anything about this on Google and the project it comes from is long since dead.
public function transChoice($id, $number, array $parameters = [], $domain = 'messages', $locale = null)
$parameters['%count%'] ??= $number;
return $this->trans($id, $parameters, $domain, $locale);
What exactly is $parameters['%count%']
doing here? The '%count%' array element reference specifically.
My Answer:
In this code snippet, the $parameters['%count%'] is a way to dynamically replace the placeholder '%count%' with the value of the $number variable.
When the transChoice function is called, it takes in an $id, $number, and an array of $parameters. The line $parameters['%count%'] ??= $number; is using the null coalescing operator (??=) to set the value of $parameters['%count%'] to $number if it is not already set.
This allows for the dynamic replacement of the '%count%' placeholder in the translation string with the actual value of $number when the trans function is called. This is a common practice in localization and internationalization of applications to handle pluralization of strings based on a numeric value.
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