John Davidson

php - CodeIgniter don't route to the right module


I have a problem with CodeIgniter. I have created module named "user" in a subdirectory "mycompagny/dev" in my local server.

But when I want to access to my module : mycompagny/dev/user/login

my server is looking on mycompagny/dev/user.txt/login

Is someone know why I have that and how I can fix this trouble ?

Thank you for your help

My Answer:
It seems like CodeIgniter is interpreting the URL incorrectly and trying to access a file named "user.txt" instead of routing to the correct module.

One possible solution is to check your .htaccess file and make sure that it is configured correctly to route requests to the correct controller in your module. You may need to adjust the RewriteBase or RewriteRule directives to properly route requests to the "user" module in the "mycompagny/dev" subdirectory.

Additionally, make sure that your routes.php file in the config directory of your CodeIgniter application is set up correctly to route requests to the correct controller in your "user" module.

If you continue to experience issues, you may want to check your server configuration and ensure that it is set up to correctly interpret CodeIgniter URLs and route requests to the correct controllers and modules.

If you are still unable to resolve the issue, you may want to consider reaching out to the CodeIgniter community or seeking assistance from a developer familiar with CodeIgniter to help troubleshoot and resolve the routing issue.

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