Writing comments for Laravel functions with phpdoc requires to add classes. For example
* Add item to cart and redirect back
* @return Response
Automatically adds "\Illuminate\Http\Response" to the top of class like so:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
class CartController extends Controller{
My question is: does it make it (at least a tiny bit) slower if I'm not using the class in the code (only in the comment)? Another option would be to write "@return \Illuminate\Http\Response" which does not include the class and since it's just a comment it shouldn't have any performance hit? Thanks a lot!
My Answer:
Adding "use" statements at the top of classes in Laravel does not have any impact on the performance of the application. These statements are used by the PHP interpreter to know where to find the classes that are being referenced in the code.
In the case of PHPDoc comments, these are simply comments and do not affect the actual execution of the code. So whether you use the full class name in the comment or just reference it with a leading backslash (e.g. "\Illuminate\Http\Response"), it will not impact the performance of your application.
Therefore, you can use whichever method you prefer for referencing classes in your PHPDoc comments without worrying about any performance implications. It is more important to focus on writing clear and informative comments to make your code more understandable for yourself and other developers.
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