John Davidson

php - Conditional eager loading and $with array for Laravel Model?


I have an interesting situation where eager loading is interacting poorly with Telescope on my local dev environment. Therefore, I have the desire to turn off eager loading for my Post model on local. But I can't figure out how to do this conditionally. For instance, I'd like to to do something like this:

class Post extends Model {
public $with = app()->isProduction() ? ['relation_x','relation_y','etc'] : [];

However, this causes a failure of the model to instantiate because Laravel treats the $with array as a sort of static property.

I know you can conditionally turn on/off requirements for eager loading in the AppServiceProvider using:

Model::preventLazyLoading(! app()->isProduction())

However, this doesn't accomplish exactly what I want, and I'm not interested in a global solution. I also know that you can override eager loads on inidividual requests like this:


Unfortunately, neither of these solutions works for me because I don't want global declarations for eager loading and I don't want to have to conditionally scope every one of my Post queries. I wish I could just wrap some of the construct arrays in an environment check, if possible, but don't know how to achieve that. I also don't want to have to build custom model extensions to use locally because that's just too much code bloat. Any ideas?

My Answer:
One possible solution could be to use a local scope in your Post model to conditionally apply eager loading based on the environment. Here's an example of how you could achieve this:

class Post extends Model {

public function scopeWithRelations($query) {
if (app()->isProduction()) {
return $query->with(['relation_x', 'relation_y', 'etc']);

return $query;

// Other model code...

Then, when you want to load the Post model with the specified relations, you can use the `withRelations` scope like this:

$posts = Post::withRelations()->get();

This way, you can conditionally apply eager loading based on the environment without having to modify every query. It keeps the logic within the model itself and allows for more flexibility in how you load the relations.

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