John Davidson

php - Convert database string to date in sql & laravel


I have made a problem here. I have stored date into the database in a string format but now I am finding records on the basis of dates. and it is not working. What is the solution to this problem

datatype : varchar |
data : eg. 01-10-2002

$current_month_balance =
whereMonth('start_date', date('m'))
->whereYear('start_date', date('Y'))

My Answer:
To convert the database string to a date in SQL, you can use the STR_TO_DATE function. In Laravel, you can use the DB::raw method to execute raw SQL queries. Here is an example of how you can convert the database string to a date in Laravel:

$current_month_balance = tbl_wallet_detail::
whereRaw("STR_TO_DATE(start_date, '%d-%m-%Y') BETWEEN CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND CURDATE()")

This query will convert the 'start_date' column from varchar to date format using the STR_TO_DATE function and then compare it with the current month to fetch the records.

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