John Davidson

php - Create multidimensional array from two arrays and set unique id as key of main array


Think, I have two arrays as showing below:

$a1 = [1=>444,2=>555,3=>666,4=>777];
$a2 = [1=>888,2=>999,3=>444,4=>'',5=>123,6=>215];

Then, my new array should be :

[1] => Array
['p1'] => 444
['p2'] => 888
[2] => Array
['p1'] => 555
['p2'] => 999
[3] => Array
['p1'] => 666
['p2'] => 444
[4] => Array
['p1'] => 777
['p2'] =>

I tried its as shown the code below. Its working for me, But my I know is there any other appropriate way to do this without looping in php?

foreach ($a1 as $k => $v) {
$nary[$k] = ['p1' => $v, 'p2'=>$a2[$k]];

My Answer:
Yes, you can achieve this without looping by using the array_map function in PHP. Here is an example code snippet:

$a1 = [1=>444,2=>555,3=>666,4=>777];
$a2 = [1=>888,2=>999,3=>444,4=>'',5=>123,6=>215];

$nary = array_map(function($p1, $p2) {
return ['p1' => $p1, 'p2' => $p2];
}, $a1, $a2);


This code snippet will produce the same output as your original code, but it uses the array_map function to create the multidimensional array without explicitly looping through the arrays.

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