John Davidson

php - Data won't pass to View


I am working on an LMS. I want to pass data from the database to the view via the controller.

This is a sample of the controller code. I have (Dump And Die) but nothing shows in the collection instance.

class UserController extends Controller
public function setting($step = 1)`enter code here`
$user = auth()->user();`enter code here`
$userMetas = $user->userMetas;

if (!empty($userMetas)) {
foreach ($userMetas as $meta) {
$user->{$meta->name} = $meta->value;

$data = [
'pageTitle' => trans('panel.settings'),
'user' => $user,
'certificate' => $userMetas->where('name', 'certificate_additional'),



Help is greatly appreciated.

My Answer:
It looks like you are trying to pass data from the database to the view in your Laravel controller.

In your code snippet, you are fetching the user's metadata and assigning it to the user object. Then you are creating an array called $data with the pageTitle, user, and certificate data.

The issue might be with how you are trying to access the certificate data in the $data array. Instead of using $userMetas->where('name', 'certificate_additional'), you should use $userMetas->where('name', 'certificate_additional')->first() to get the first matching record.

Here is the updated code snippet:

$data = [
'pageTitle' => trans('panel.settings'),
'user' => $user,
'certificate' => $userMetas->where('name', 'certificate_additional')->first(),


This should now display the data in the $data array when you use dd(). If you are still not seeing any data, make sure that the userMetas relationship is correctly defined in your User model.

If you are still facing issues, please provide more information about your User and UserMeta models, as well as the relationships between them.

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